Student seminar
The goal of this series would be to:
- familiarise ourselves with the classical version of this abstract statement: understand Riemann–Roch for curves and understand Serre duality for projective varieties [AG];
- get some intuition for Riemann–Roch and Serre duality through lots of examples and applications;
- understand the statement of Grothendieck duality, see how it generalises the classical statements;
- understand some of the techniques and the overal setup of Hartshorne's proof (see [RD]) of Grothendieck duality (interesting from a geometric point of view);
- understand some of the techniques and the overal setup of Murfet's [1] (and Neeman's [2]) proof of Grothendieck duality (interesting from an abstract point of view).
The final set of notes (i.e. the 4 lectures combined) is now also available.
- January 8
- Riemann–Roch and Serre duality
- by Pieter Belmans, in G.017, at 10h00
- notes
- January 15
- More on Riemann–Roch and Serre duality, with applications
- by Pieter Belmans, in G.017, at 10h00
- notes and the tool to compute dimensions of cohomology spaces
- January 22
- Derived categories and Grothendieck duality
- by Pieter Belmans, in G.017, at 10h00
- notes
- January 29
- Sketches of some of the proofs and applications
- by Pieter Belmans, in G.017, at 10h00
- notes
- [RD]
- Hartshorne, Robin
- Residues and duality
- Springer-Verlag, 1966, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 20, pp. vii+423
- [AG]
- Hartshorne, Robin
- Algebraic geometry
- Springer, 1977, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 52, pp. xvi+496
- [1]
- Murfet, Daniel
- The mock homotopy category of projectives and Grothendieck duality
- Australian National University, 2007
- [2]
- Neeman, Amnon
- The Grothendieck duality theorem via Bousfield's techniques and Brown representability
- Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 1996, Vol. 9(1), pp. 205-236
- [3]
- Neeman, Amnon
- Dualizing complexes---the modern way
- Cycles, motives and Shimura varieties
- Narosa Publishing House, 2010, pp. 419-447